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Reticulated Vitreous Carbon (RVC) foam 
Product Description

Reticulated Vitreous Carbon ( RVC) is made in a 3% relative density (of it’s parent material), or it has 97% void volume. The resulting foam structure is extremely lightweight.

Product Features

1.Thermal Conductivity. Reticulated Vitreous Carbon (RVC) has low thermal resistance. Because of the high surface area of foam, heat transfer to/from fluids flowing through the foam is greatly accelerated.RVC foam is also ideal for use with phase change materials (PCM) because of the large amount of surface area, which increases coupling to PCM.

2.Crush Strength. When a load is applied to a foam structure, it will initially yield elastically. However, at approximately 4-6% of strain, depending on the sample size, the foam structure will begin to buckle and collapse continuously at a relatively constant stress. Depending upon the initial relative density of the foam, this constant collapse will proceed to approximately 50-70% of strain. At that point, the stress / strain curve will begin to rise as the compressed foam enters the “densification” phase.
The point in the stress / strain curve where it transitions from the elastic to plastic deformation phase defines the “crush strength” of the foam. This is an important mechanical parameter as it is obviously essential to remain below that level for any structure that is being designed to maintain its shape under design load.

3. Electrical Conductivity. Reticulated Vitreous Carbon (RVC) is an excellent material for use as a porous electrode. The structure provides both low electrical and low fluid flow resistance. Large current distribution areas are possible due to the enormous amount of surface area of the foam.

4. Density. Reticulated Vitreous Carbon ( RVC) is made in a 3% relative density (of its parent material), or it has 97% void volume. The resulting foam structure is extremely lightweight.

5. Strength. Reticulated Vitreous Carbon ( RVC) is uniquely strong at elevated temperatures. It also has a high scratch resistance at 6-7 mohs.

6. Corrosion Resistance. Reticulated Vitreous Carbon (RVC) is composed of one of the most chemically inert forms of Carbon. RVC is highly resistant to intercalation by materials which disintegrate graphite.
RVC is inert to a wide range of very reactive acids, bases, and organic solvents. At high temperatures it will form carbides, but is inert to non-carbide forming metals

7. Sizes. RVC is manufactured at 3% relative density and is made in a billet size of 6” x 12” x 24”. ERG does have the capability to create larger billet sizes on a custom basis.

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